Company Name: Qilniat Limited
Address: Ionias, 1, Flora Court, Flat/Office 22
City: Paralimni
Trade Register number in: Cyprus
Company number: HE 384493
Company director: Georgios Christodoulou
Email address: [email protected]
Site Builder: Qilniat Limited
Publishing Manager: Qilniat Limited
Responsible person for the publication: [email protected]
Responsible person for the publication as a legal person:
The Webmaster: Qilniat Limited
Contact the Webmaster: [email protected]


Qilniat Limited, a member of the European Union (EU) and FATF, is bound to apply EU and FATF AML policies in accordance with a line of legal responsibility and regulations. To prevent money laundering and terrorist financing, several laws have been enacted.

For the detection and prevention of fraud or terrorist financing activities (and therefore AML), the products and services of Qilniat Limited are subject to this policy and the precautions described in this document. Qilniat Limited's strategies and tactics are based on the advice and recommendations of the Financial Action Task Force (hereafter FATF) and the Bank Secrecy Act (hereafter BSA).

Accordingly, the mandate of Qilniat Limited provides for the implementation of AML procedures in accordance with FATF recommendations and Cypriot AML rules.
Qilniat Limited or any of its affiliates, officers or agents shall not be liable for any damages resulting from the use of these policies and terms.

Qilniat Limited's risk-based approach
Accordingly, Qilniat Limited may establish and apply strategic measures to manage or minimize these risks. The common risk criteria are as follows: a country's risk, as well as Customer's Clients held in countries with poor AML standards or high risk of crime and corruption, are identified by Qilniat Limited in accordance to FATF recommendations.

According to FATF guidelines, all procedures must be risk-based. Qilniat Limited adheres to the following AML guidelines:
Instructions for AML employees:
Anti-Money Laundering (AML) training is designed to familiarize staff with how money is laundered, including how it is done criminally, the laws that make it a crime, as well as investigative tactics.

Monitoring Customers' Online Activity:
Accounting for Financial Flow Fraud As a precautionary measure, Qilniat Limited requires regular monitoring of each customer's activity. This monitoring helps detect transactions that do not match the customer's transaction history, which is already known through past activity tracking.

Exhaustive search:
All customers must provide personal information during the checkout process, including:
-(last name and first name)
- full address (including city and state);
phone number; "
-the city code of where you live
- the e-mail.

Therefore, before Qilniat Limited begins to provide services or products, the Company ensures that the information has been provided or that other precautionary measures have been taken which will produce adequate proof of the identity of any customer.

Retention of Records:
All documents and information received by Qilniat Limited are logged for customer identification purposes (KYC policy requirements). Qilniat Limited has the right to retain records for at least five years. The retention period for documents may be extended by the FATF or another AML authority.
As part of any investigation of possible wrongdoing, Qilniat Limited reserves the right to provide law enforcement agencies and AML compliance entities with customer information.

Last update: 05.05.2022 


Qilniat Limited
Email : [email protected]
Phone : 442045387867
Adress : Ionias, 1, Flora Court, Flat/Office 22, Paralimni
Registration no. : HE 384493
Vat no. : 10384493A
ZIP code : 5288
Country : Cyprus
Director : Alina Zachariadou