We bring to the attention of the users of Qilniat Limited in accordance with articles 6-III and 19 of the law n° 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 for Confidence in the digital economy, known as LCEN :
Owner status: Company
Company Name: Qilniat Limited
Address: Ionias, 1, Flora Court, Flat/Office 22
City: Paralimni
Trade Register number in: Cyprus
Company number: HE 384493
Company director: Georgios Christodoulou
Email address: [email protected]
Site Builder: Qilniat Limited
Publishing Manager: Qilniat Limited
Responsible person for the publication: [email protected]
Responsible person for the publication as a legal person:
The Webmaster: Qilniat Limited
Contact the Webmaster: [email protected]

Policy Changes in Cookies and Privacy Settings
We reserve the right to make changes to this Privacy Statement at any time and will post any such changes on the Website, so please review it regularly.
Personal data that we have already collected from you may not be affected by changes to this privacy policy.
Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns regarding the changes.
What we collect and how we use this data

Essential marketing data for updates or promotional offers, and minimal personal information are the only types of data we collect (name, address, phone number and email address). This information is strictly confidential.
Control of the use of cookies
There are several browsers that allow you to block cookies that do not meet your personal privacy standards. If you do not wish to accept new cookies, you can configure your browser to notify you when you receive a new cookie, or you can disable all your cookies. It is conceivable that disabling all cookies will make it difficult to use all functions of our website. It is important to know that some parts of our websites require you to accept cookies in order to function properly. Changes to your web browser's cookie settings can be made at any time. Visit or for more information.

Control the law
On May 25, 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR"), which repeals Directive 95/46/EC and applies to all EU member states, entered into force, and this statement confidentiality is regulated and interpreted in accordance with this regulation. and the Data Protection Directive (95/46/EC).
International users are solely responsible for compliance with any local laws that may apply when accessing the Website from outside the European Union.
Processors and controllers are two terms used interchangeably.
Data controllers and processors have been added to the GDPR list of parties responsible for collecting and processing personal data.
A data controller is responsible for determining the purposes and methods of processing personal data. Qilniat Limited customers, whether companies or individuals, are responsible for their own data.
The new GDPR regulations make it clear that Qilniat Limited will be a processor of your personal information and must ensure that all processors it engages with are GDPR compliant.

As a user of Qilniat Limited services, you are considered a data subject.
You therefore granted your consent to the processing of his personal data in a free, precise manner, informed by a declaration or by a clear affirmative action.
When we talk about processing, we are talking about any action in relation to an individual's personal data, whether or not it is carried out automatically. This includes everything from collection, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or modification, retrieval, consultation for use, disclosure via transmission, erasure and destruction.

Information that can be used to identify or locate a specific person (the "data subject/user") is called personal data. When a natural person can be identified in some way, directly or indirectly, we speak of an "identifiable natural person", a term that includes a name, location data or an identifier.
Privacy Policy
Delight Smoothie (hereinafter “Website” in the singular or “Websites”) and Qilniat Limited define their respective privacy policies in this title. It also explains your options about how we use your personal information and how you can manage it.
However, if a user wishes to use the services of Qilniat Limited through our website, the collection and processing of personal data may be necessary. Navigation on the Site can be carried out without the user revealing personal information. But in most cases, we need to obtain user permission before processing personal data.
According to article 37/1 of the GDPR rule (DPO), it is not necessary for Qilniat Limited to have a Data Protection Officer. We have someone in-house who is in charge of GDPR implementation and who will respond to all inquiries. Email to get in touch with that person.

It is mandatory that any personal information collected by Qilniat Limited be treated in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and country-specific data protection rules in effect at the time of collection. Our aim is to inform the general public about the nature, substance and purpose of the personal data we collect and process through this policy. In addition, data subjects (users) are informed of their rights through our privacy policy.
Qilniat Limited, as data controller, has implemented a number of technical and organizational measures to protect the personal data processed on this site.
"Qilniat Limited", "we", "us", and "our" refer to Qilniat Limited in this Privacy Policy.
In general, our service is not for young people. Children under the age of 18 alone are not intended to access at our website without an adult.

Qilniat Limited considers your use of its Service to be private. However, we may disclose your personal information stored in your account and/or on Qilniat Limited's servers and databases, in order to:
- to comply with the law or legal process notified to us;
-enforce and investigate potential breaches of this Privacy Policy; including using this Service to participate in or facilitate activities that violate the law;
- investigate potential fraudulent activities;
-to protect the rights, property or safety, its employees, customers or the public.
In the event of a change in control of Qilniat Limited (such as transfers of assets through a merger, sale, assignment or liquidation of the business entity, or any of its property, assets or capital own) or, in the event of the sale of one of its publishing properties and/or its website(s), the personal data of the users of the relevant website(s) in our possession will be transferred to the new owner/successor. You will be notified of any such transaction and can exercise your legal rights under the GDPR. You can always modify or delete your personal data or opt out by contacting us, or if the acquirer publishes a new privacy policy with new contact information, you can modify or delete your personal data or opt out by following any new instructions. which are displayed.

We may share information collection with third parties, including strategic partners, for marketing and promotional purposes under entered into data processing agreements, which secure the transfer and processing of personal data in accordance with the GDPR.
The controller may also transfer to one or more processors (e.g. a payment provider under DPA) the personal data of a data subject for payment processing purposes, which are attributable to the controller and without which a user could not purchase the Service and use Qilniat Limited.
As we use third-party technology services for the provision of the Services, we may transfer your personal data internationally. The providers of these technology services may process personal data collected in connection with the provision of their services as processors only under DPA in accordance with the GDPR.
However, encryption is useless if the access password or other credentials are weakly protected and stored by the data subject. In this case, the data controller is not responsible for a personal data breach.
In the event of a personal data breach, the controller must, as soon as possible and, if possible, no later than 72 hours after becoming aware of it, notify the personal data breach to the supervisory authority. competent.

We are globally compliant with the GDPR and the principle of data minimization. Personal information, as set out above, includes:
If you want to use our services, you will need a valid email address to open an account.
The full address, zip code, city, country and phone number are included in the billing information. No full credit card number or expiration date for your card is displayed.
It is the responsibility of the Internet Service Provider (ISP) to provide an IP address to the user.
A user's location data is used to compile statistics about the user's involvement in a particular area.

Qilniat Limited will process and store your personal information, such as your ID (first name, last name) and email address, when you purchase their service.
You will also need to fill in billing information, which includes your personal data, which is maintained by Qilniat Limited and processed by payment providers, and billing information.

Use of your personal data for these purposes:
We personalize the website and improve the service to improve your browsing experience
We provide you with information about your use of the service and the content and content therein.

We also collect and store automatically generated information as you browse our website to enhance your experience on our website by using tracking technologies such as cookies, log files and web beacons.
If you do not wish to receive cookies, you can refuse them by adjusting your browser settings to refuse cookies.
Qilniat Limited may also use pixel tags (single pixel image files also known as clear GIFs, clear GIFs, or web beacons) to access cookies and to count users who visit the Website or open our email messages in the format HTML.
The data subject can prevent the setting of cookies via our website at any time by means of the corresponding settings of the Internet browser used, and can thus permanently refuse the setting of cookies. Furthermore, cookies that have already been set can be deleted at any time via an Internet browser or other service programs.
We use cookie technology as part of our website's statistical reporting. Cookies are at the heart of Internet personalization and online behavioral advertising. We collect statistical data on the pages visited, what is downloaded, the domain name of the Internet service provider and the country of visitors, as well as the addresses of the sites visited immediately before and after arriving at Qilniat Limited

Please visit the unsubscribe page and cancel your membership, or contact us as set out at the end of this privacy policy if you wish to stop receiving future email communications from us. It may take up to ten (10) business days for us to verify that your request has been fulfilled.
Contact us as indicated at the end of this privacy policy if you would like any of your personal information to be changed.
Erasure and blocking of personal data on a regular basis: Processes and retains customers' personal information for no longer than is necessary to respond to their service requests or as authorized by European legislators or other legislators in the rules and regulations applicable to the controller.
How long personal data must be stored securely: Legal archiving requirements are used to establish the retention period for personal data. We regularly and securely erase or destroy personal data after this period has expired and when it is no longer needed for a purpose.

Limitation of data use:
Individuals in Europe have the right granted by European lawmakers to obtain from a controller restriction of processing where one of the following situations arises:
The data subject has contested the accuracy of the personal data for a period enabling the controller to verify the accuracy of the personal data.
In this case, the person concerned opposes the erasure of his personal data and prefers the restriction of their use.
There is a legal requirement for personal data which the controller no longer needs for processing purposes, but which the data subject needs to establish, exercise or defend legal claims.
As long as the legitimate interests of the controller do not outweigh those of the data subject, the processing of their personal information will be suspended pending an investigation under Article 21(1) of the GDPR .
The data subject can contact us at any time if one of the above reasons applies. We will ensure that the request is met as soon as possible.

Data portability is a fundamental human right.
Data portability is a fundamental human right.
All persons whose personal data is collected by a data controller are authorized by European legislators to receive the information about them that data controllers hold in a structured, frequently used and machine-readable way. Personal data provided to a controller may be transmitted without hindrance to another controller, provided that the processing is based on consent in accordance with Article 6(1) of the GDPR or Article 9(2) GDPR, or on a contract pursuant to Article 6(1) GDPR, and the processing is carried out by automated means, as long as the processing is not necessary for the individual purpose of the data.

Correctional and restorative rights:
Data subjects have the right granted to them by the European legislator to have erroneous personal data rectified without delay by the controller. Depending on the purposes of the processing, the data subject has the right to have their incomplete personal information completed, including by submitting a supplementary declaration.
The right of revocation
Data subjects have the right granted by the European legislator to have their personal data erased by the controller without undue delay, and the controller has the obligation to erase the personal data without undue delay if one of the reasons following applies, as long as processing is not required:
They are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed.
There is no legal basis for processing if the data subject withdraws consent pursuant to Article 6(1) or Article 9(2) of the GDPR and there is no other legal basis for processing.
No overriding legal basis can be found for the processing, and there is no overriding legitimate reason for it, or the data subject objects to it under Article 21(1) of the GDPR.

Right of access
Data subjects have the right granted to them by the European legislator to access at any time their personal information kept by the data controller and a copy of this information. In addition, European Union directives and laws provide the data subject with the following access:
- the purposes of the processing;
-a list of the types of personal information involved;
- the person has the possibility to ask the controller to correct or erase personal data, or to restrict or block such processing; or it may also object to such processing;
- the possibility of filing a complaint with a governmental body;

Data subjects also have the right to know whether their personal information is transferred to a third country or an international organization. Data subjects have the right to know what measures are in place in the event of a transfer of their personal information.
To exercise any of these rights, please follow the contact information provided at the end of this privacy statement. We will ensure that the request is met as soon as possible.

Right to complain
Article 6(1)(e) and (f) of the GDPR gives each data subject the right to object at any time to the processing of their personal data on grounds relating to their particular situation. This right is granted by the European legislator. This also applies to any profiling based on these rules or regulations.
The data subject can contact us at any time if one of the above reasons applies. We will ensure that your request is executed quickly.
Immediately after confirmation
According to the European legislator, everyone has the right to obtain from the controller confirmation that personal data concerning him or her are being processed.

You can contact us Delight Smoothie about the Privacy Policy by emailing [email protected]. Please include the words "Re:"Privacy Policy" in the subject line header of the email if you have any questions or concerns regarding this policy.

Last update: 05.05.2022 


Qilniat Limited
Email : [email protected]
Phone : 442045387867
Adress : Ionias, 1, Flora Court, Flat/Office 22, Paralimni
Registration no. : HE 384493
Vat no. : 10384493A
ZIP code : 5288
Country : Cyprus
Director : Alina Zachariadou